Sunday, September 04, 2005

Curious Observations of a Random Kind

1. My CS batch in IIT had 30 students. There were about 120 undergraduates in my department across all the years. There were about 180 in my hostel. There were about 400 across all disciplines in my year, about 2000 across all the 4 years. I knew most guys in my branch, my hostel, and some random people through this and that. Lots of people - atleast by face. Here in UIUC, the CS department takes in about 300 undergraduate and 100 graduate students each year. The department has atleast 1500 students as a whole. The university has atleast 25,000 students on it's rolls. I know about 20 people here. I meet about 5 on a daily basis. Sucks no. I fully agree.

2. I had a couple of situations over the last week that has called on my mostly lacking diplomatic skills. When someone asks you for your opinion on something should you be tactful or truthful? Tact saves the awkwardness but borders on being dishonest. Thus is life, but you might not be actually appreciated for being truthful. So, it's a vague situation to be in. What I actually, ended up doing is telling the truth and 'buffering' it, you know, that's how it is for everybody so it's ok.

3. 95% of my meetings with acquaintaces go like this :
Me: Hi
Acq: Hi
(some hi how are you talk)
Me: So, whom do you work with? What do you do for your research?
This previous question can be replaced with:
What courses are you taking this semester?
Where did you intern this summer?
What are your plans? MS or PhD? Tech or Non-Tech?
Acq: Blah
Acq: (Same question rephrased to me)
Me: Blah.
You have no idea how ingrained you are to this. I am wondering if it is always like this. Do certain sets of people keep talking about the same set of things. Maybe some people discuss Vivek Oberoi and Aishwarya Rai. Maybe some discuss cricket. Maybe some discuss good movies. Being in the last bunch would be fun.

4. The Indian Graduate Student's association had an introductory session. I was part of the organizing committe (Yay. Don't worry, you don't need any qualifications. Actually, the basic criterion is you shouldn't have any qualifications. If you did, you wouldn't be there. Ok. Forgive me.).We had a Mr and Mrs Utsav (that's what our org. is called - Utsav).
We had an attitude questionaire and one of the questions were:
'Whats a good line for an alien you meet in a bar?'
Some 3 guys wrote.'Aaja meri gaadi mein bait ja'. 50 cent has a song whose title means the same thing. But, it's not so politely phrased. It's not too tough to guess though.
Another question was:
'Say something bad about yourself'
This question was in jest. Just to see if you can say something bad about yourself. One girl actually wrote 'Nothing'. Heh. I just found something.
Another was a fill in the blank:
'Johnny johnny yes papa...'. You had to fill it in with some nonsense.
One of the replies was hilarious. '..hack into my email account no papa'.

5. There is a Professor in CMU, Eric Xing, who has done 2 Ph. Ds. One in Biochemistry and one in Computer Science. No, he didn't as a friend of mine says 'time multiplex'. For those non-geek souls, that means he didn't do both at the same time. Like pick a cunning thesis topic. He did one after the other. After. I was wondering how one could possibly motivate onself to do that? After, one Ph. D. itself I will be like 'Whew!'. One more a? No no.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Rat said...

Yeah , some disuss good movies but everyone does the hi, how are you bit. !!

Anonymous said...

Hi. How to get this jobless ass lickers off your back ??? Any ideas.

Artful Badger said...

[rat] Yes. Maybe there should be a mechanism in which one can agree to do away with it. Since, 90% of the time the same things are said.
[anon] Seriously. I need to delete those comments. I am not able to remove them.

Anonymous said...

Okay lemme try 4.

Q. Whats a good line for an alien you meet in a bar?
A. I'm an alien too!!! Do you believe me?
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah
Make you wanna move your dancing feet now
(Bob Marley)

Q.'Say something bad about yourself'
I trust strangers easily.
I love to sleep ZzzzzZZZZZzzzz

Q. Another was a fill in the blank:
'Johnny johnny yes papa...
Go Go Go Johnny Go
Go Go Johnny be good tonight

Coming to 3....
I "wish" someday a convo. begins with this Elton John:’s something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
It’s that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I can’t describe
But it’s something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
The way you look tonight...

With a smile
You pull the deepest secrets from my heart
In all honesty
I’m speechless and I don’t know where to start ...

Though if someone strikes a convo on MOVIES.. I'll be more than pleased....

*Intern ( crazy??? who cares!!! )

Vc said...

Hey Ramani ,

Log into blogger and delete those spam comments.

Funny post.You write more like SP..but a bit more refined.
I see that Spee's fairy godmother has already left her fingerprints.:)

Kirthi said...

Hmm that was a bit random prima facie but it connected to what you were doing in college.
Oh just FYI Vc is the grandpa of all spammers here, so any problems send him an SOS.
Vc, Did u say Ramani's writing is more refined than SP's? I think I might just loan my cannon to SP. No offence Ramani, I just think the two of you have different styles.

Artful Badger said...

1. That was 3 lines. Interesting, serenade an alien in a Bar with Bob Marley. But, then if
the alien could come to the bar he could listen to Bob Marley.
2. Okay. Reasonable answer.
3. Does someone tell you that. Wow. That WOULD be an interesting conversation to have. Yeah, movie convo is a more realistic aspiration to have.
[vc] Yeah, I deleted the comments. I kept trying last time around but never noticed the trash can icon. My writing style is refined. Thanks. I tend to be quite philosophical at times - like SP. I wouldn't mind if you can tell me more about my style.
[kirthi] prima facie - first face - apparantly
Considering the amount of complex analysis that had gone into the problem, one would expect the answer to be prima facie correct. I like SP's style - it's direct and well written.
[vc and kirthi] So, what do you think of my style? It's always nice to know what other's think of you or of something you have done.

Prashanth said...

1. Yep, it sucks. And you're rubbing it in for me in the process, so stop it.

2. Experience says, tell the candid truth if its a guy and dance truth on its head like an Aes Sedai (for further info read Wheel of Time) if its a girl.

3. That sucks more than (1). But fortunately I dont have that problem.

4. I could write an essay on "Write something bad about yourself" *sigh*

5. Wow who's this guy? I'm a fan of him already!

6. Hehe... Kk do you remember the first time I commented on your blog? I went "People discussing my blog? That too not ON my blog? Heavens!" Oh well at least you're discussing Ramani's blog on his own blog... Anyway... more refined? Lol... knowing him I could never accuse him of such a deed, ever! In speech or text or whatever it may be! In any case, please, people, lets not make comparisons... very bad habit...

P.S. Ramani, use the "delete permanently" thingy to get rid of the stubs of deleted comments.

Anonymous said...

Eh? What were the first two sentences in aid of?
Btw the guy who wrote the comment above is also a big time spammer.
Hmm I remember the time when I saw the comments on my blog and went "Jesus Christ! SP's comments are longer than my post." And I could get a mental picture of SP type the first comment in a tearing hurry and he would press the publish button and then scratch that loaded thing on his neck and go "Aww shucks I missed out saying that". Then he would iterate the above loop another couple of times.

Prashanth said...

Yeah I know I've written loooong comments sometimes... not trying to accomplish anything, really... more like writing because I love writing... but I had a point to make of course, else it wouldnt be that long!

Me? Big time spammer? Oh no no no... only on your blog and perhaps Vc's... I don't get much satisfaction from it anywhere else... hmmm... Ramani watch out... Vc + Intern + Me = lots of comments on your blog and half the content will not be relevant to your posts... like this comment!

Primalsoup said...

Time Multiplex sounds cool! Let me see how to drop that in some casual conversation! :D

Artful Badger said...

1. Stopped. But, that doesnt change the truth does it. He he.
2. Agree. I would advise - actively ignore the truth - as much as safely possible.
3. Yes, that's a problem of my creating. My roomies are in CS. Consequently a psychologically inadvisable percentage of my social circle as well.
4. Don't do that. We are nice guys. We might be silly, stupid but we are nice.
5. From CMU. Supposed to be one of the biggest names in Computational Biology.
6. Che. No one loves me :(.
[kk]Hmm..I thought it was one of my friends commenting on the blog. Yeah, it's infectious. Once you get into this habit of writing elaborate comments you just keep doing that. Also, I can type pretty fast. So, I type a lot. A lot.
[prashanth] Heh.
[primalsoup] Heh. Put it in your blog, refer me and give me worldwide fame. And, lots of hit. Oh, I just remembered that.

Artful Badger said...

Hmm..actually that's one thing that I have noticed about your blogs. The comments are actually not comments. They are like a discussion. That's actually pretty nice.

Kirthi said...

Yenjay. Burn the spammers, down with their heads, send them to Siberia. Ok they have internet in hell too!
Oh where is the comment section for the new post?
And about your style of writing:
Well for one it is lucid.
You don't preach to your readers like some Himalayan Sadhu. (unlike SP: did I have to say that!!)
Its more like a conversation with your readers.(unlike mine)

Artful Badger said...

Btw, SP, I just remembered. Me uncultured. Arrggh..i like to leave refinement to oils and artificial intelligence (iterative refinement) he he