Monday, June 20, 2011

She caught the Katy..

She caught the Katy...and left me a mule to ride.

For some reason just can't get that song out of my head. Its such an awesome song though. Everyone should listen to it atleast once in their lives.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Summer Folks!

Yes, the moron is finally here. We had 55 F weather in the middle of June but that nonsense is finally gone. Gone gone gone.

Life has been ok. Busy at work. This and that and time flies on. On and on. On and on and on.

I think we need to come up with a good tongue twister employing the words weiner, wiener and whiner . Whiny Weiner's Wiener Whines When Weiner.....hmm...can't get a good ending. What's up with these politicos anyway? I think in some sense it's like skydiving or moutainclimbing. Some sort of rush from surviving the possible career/life endagering consequences of their actions. Not so cool if you make a wrong step and plunge 2000 ft. Ooopss.