Monday, February 16, 2009

Art Institute

  • Firstly, and most importantly its free for the month of February!
  • New and improved impressionist galleries. Fortunately, most of the modern mumbo jumbo paintings have been carted off to the yet unopened Modern Wing. Unfortunately, that includes the Picassos and Dalis.
  • One huge gallery of art from the Indian sub-continent.
  • The Munch exhibition. Doesn't that make you want to Scream? (Get it? Get it? 'Scream' is Munch's most famous painting. Get it? Get it?)
  • Daily museum tours at 2pm on weekends. Did you know that this painting by Toulouse Lautrec (left) and this painting by Renoir (right) are both at the Circus Fernando? Now you do. Use that information wisely next time you want to impress someone at a museum.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Did anyone see the investment banker dig in the new 30 Rock episode? Ha ha very funny. They have the show nailed. Good comedy is like a great meal, a beautiful painting or an exquisite narrative - entrancing but you just can't figure out how it was done.