Wednesday, August 30, 2006


One of the most interesting things about working in a high-rise are the elevators. It actually makes you feel very 'wall street-ish' to scramble into one and zap up to the 37th floor. However, the problem with an elevator is that its a confined space from which there is no polite escape. That basically means that if you are with a specific person X in the elevator, you will have to remain with X for the next minute or two.

This creates a weird problem for people such as me. Every once in a while I end up getting stuck with some super-senior member of the firm. Its one of those situations where its very hard to find anything relevant to say. My eyes suddenly start finding very interesting patterns on the floor and ceiling.

This is what I want to say :

"Errm, do you think I could keep my job. I know I am an insignificant ant, but I will improve. You know, I really am not as bad as the HR people might think...."

Obviously I cannot say that.

"So how are things going ?"

I mean, innocous as it may sound, how could he reply in a manner which is in any way relevant to me. So thats out.

"Rainy day huh?!"

Might work but sounds lame. I hate discussing the weather. Its information both parties already know, so why dish it out all over again.

So, you get the picture. I need to think of something deep, meaningful and very appropriate to say over my 2 minute journey on the elevator. See today I was stuck with a senior partner, and he asked me a couple of questions and I spewed total crap. Embarassing! Why can't I be a more confident, composed, poised, a male miss-universe-ish version of myself under these situations and get as many brownie anti-firing points as I can?? Bah!


Anonymous said...

Use the stairs next time! :-D
Other possibilites:
-Call up Dell Customer Service.... So by the time you reach where you need to your still online!And what's more it's free!
-Use your ipod.
-Peruse the wall street journal.
-Get off at floor 36 and get back in to the next available elevator! And smile when u get off. (Coz I am pissed with one floor elevator users!)

Yeah! I guess the elevator conundrum is like say meeting your father-in-law.. there's nothing much to speak about apart from the obvious! Is there?
Just get used to it! :-)

-Aditya Rao

Enigma said...

try smiling and wait for the otherperson to talk. say good morning or afternoon wht ever appropriate. stay unfuffled. ask how is work or how was ur day or just say nice wtach!! if they are wearing one!

Anonymous said...

~lucky you, see you present this simple problem and soo many suggestions you get :)
~ I'd say go for pretty patterns on the floor and ceiling and wall any day, hands least you seem all silent and thoughtful and all..paying attn to detail can come in handy ya know ;)

Tejas said...

Simple buddy....just look up at the floor indicator and act as if you know your numbers well:)

Aditya Abburi said...

go running or cycling to office and then be all sweaty when u reach the elevator.....lets see how many people would even want to come close to u...........

on a more serious note, act very tired and doze off on the neighbors shoulder...... now!! was that serious??

Prashanth said...

Just pretend Mr. Senior employee is a pretty girl you're trying to impress. Get into c.h.a.r.m. mode and you'll do fine :D

Artful Badger said...

[intern] well i am a fresher...
weather is kind of lame...however i should learn to make those corporate type safe comment "Nice tie", "Nice watch" etc...
Well..I did talk...and spoke to much..I should have asked questions and put the onus on him instead...
[aditya rao] yeah sure...37 floors..i should take the stairs...
actually no one is really required to might as well stay shut...
[enigma] makes sense...the key here is to ask questions....and make them do all the talking..
[anon] yes yes..but the key is in implementing the suggestions...
yeah..but he might think that I am looking at the wall because I want to avoid him..;)
[tejas] thats what i usually do :)...
stare at the floor indicator!
[aytida] yeah right! and get ticked off for smelling up the elevator!...
doze off on someone's shoulder?!..ahem ahem..there is a law firm just i am sure that someone would just get off there instead..
[prashanth] yeah right! I am Mr. Charming with pretty girls...that would only make things worse..i would be even more awkward and make a fool of myself..

of course i could think he was some random person you meet on the bus or something..

Kirthi said...

The worst part is our elevators have mirrors inside (like we need any: ooh I am looking thin today, aah let me get some lipstick on till I reach the 5th floor). You either end up catching someone doing something really weird or staring right back at you from their side of the mirror. So I am either staring at my shoes or fidgetting wih my bag.

Actually talking about the weather would have suited my UK office elevator but I never used one there (two floor buildings and they have an elevator!) It gets really disconcerting when you end up meeting someone you don't want to meet in the elevator. Sometimes I get off the elevator at the very next floor and run to the one at the other end of the corridor. My exercise for the day :)

Artful Badger said...

Yeah thats so true! Its so uncomfortable because you can't look straight on because of making weird eye contact.
Heh...I do that..I do that before I get in..I suddenly remember something super important that I had forgotten to do at my office!..
he he..

Anonymous said...

That is easy! Always wear a smile, greet, and affirm to whatever he says. Just act cool and don't let him sense that you are actually getting goose bumps.

Anonymous said...

Hey ARTFUL ... Hows life?
I'm so caught up in my small little world these days ...
Stopped by to wish a HI!

Its a beautiful day today ... I'm loving the rains ...

take care..

Anonymous said...

boo hoo !! boo hoo !! boo hoo!!...

now you got a gal crying for lack of posts !!,,
post a new one .. i've gotten tired of merely checking out comments to the elevators one ...

Vc said...

Oh Man long time no visit .. wats up dude..apart from the elevator.. i kindoff liked Spee's idea ..

Artful Badger said...

[alraqs] coming coming dear madam :)....don't get all emotional and all :)...don't worry...:)
[Vc] heh...allo whats up..long time no see..