Saturday, July 09, 2005

Some good reads

For once I shall not talk about myself, what I like, what I want to do. I have been doing a lot of random browsing off late and of got into reading a lot of blogs. They are fun, witty and give you a feel for another person's life.
The Compulsive Confessor : This is a blog about a 20something Delhi girl. This is as close as it gets in real life to the reel life of the protagonist of the movie Page 3. As in the movie, she is a tabloid journalist whose primary duty is to cover social events in the city. As, the name suggests it is a look into the life of one of those party every night types. I seem to have a penchant for stereotyping.
Prashanth Sriram : Well, this is the blog of one of my friends Prashanth Sriram. We were in the same school together and then in IIT. Though I didn't really meet him that much in IIT, atleast in the later years. It's philosophical, he usually notices something interesting, and goes hmmm..
The Smug Bug : This is a blog about a 20something Chennai girl. I think she is a tam brahm from a liberal art's colleges (stella maris..). She loves to thulp tam brahm boys (tam brahms are sterotyped as academically brilliant but totally naive and lacking in social skills). She is probably one of those 'cool' types, and invariably straddled between urban and traditional values. That's an interesting conflict. Especially since I am a tam brahm myself.
Serial Killer: On a scarier note, over the last few weeks the US has been shaken by the murders of 3 young children. Well, this maniac had kept a blog where he actually hints at the horror that he is going to unleash on the world. Here is a look into a mind, and it's not pretty.
I just discovered that I like to write. Write I will! I usually don't do things simply because I like it (I look at a lot of other factors..yeah very unromantic), but this is something I will do because I like it!


Primalsoup said...

Oh! Thankee! Thankee! I have got a place in history now! :)

And I don't thulf tam brahm boys, I am equally loving to all men in general! :)

And me and 'cool' types?! *Blush*

Artful Badger said...

he he..i understand your impartiality :D..