Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Songs & Movies

A list of random songs that are good to listen to for a sound night's sleep:
Ode to Joy by Beethoven
Anything Dire Straits
Anything Beatles
Anything Clapton
Things U2 that aren't too fast.
A few movies that I watched lately:
Annie Hall by Woody Allen - Great comedy! Cereberal, sophisticated and extremely funny!
Mr and Mrs Smith - One of the best movies I have seen in recent times. It's amazing how the have perfectly interleaved a marital dispute into an action flick. It's hilarious! It rocks!
Full Metal Jacket by Stanley Kubrick- An insightful satire on the Vietnam war.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Hilarious British comedy!
Monty Python and the Life of Brain - Hilarious British comedy!
A few movies that I plan to watch soon:
Dr Strangelove by Stanley Kubrick
The Graduate - It's a movie starring Dustin Hoffman. It's supposed to be based in the University of Pennsylvania. The fact that I am interning in Phili and actually stayed there for a week makes me want to see it more.


KP said...

dei, when was that photo taken? when u were in school? u look really thin.

Artful Badger said...

Some time back actually, November