Sunday, June 01, 2008

'tis the season to be married!

More precisely, it appears to be the weekend to be married. The city seems to be overflowing at the gills with couples getting hitched. Every hotel I walked past had at least 3 marriage receptions going on. Michigan Avenue and Grant Park had like 20,000 couples looking to frame their greatest moment most beootifully. Limos everywhere, from sedate black Lincoln town cars to out and out outrageous stretch Humvees with screaming inhabitants. Every other passerby on the street was either a bridesmaid in flowing primary colors or a black suited best-man. For a little bit I wondered if I was having a delusional hallucination of deep hidden issues that really have no other way to find the light of day, but my friends corroborated my observations. Either they are having similar hallucinations as well, or it is indeed true that everyone everywhere has decided to get married at the same time.

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