This creates a weird problem for people such as me. Every once in a while I end up getting stuck with some super-senior member of the firm. Its one of those situations where its very hard to find anything relevant to say. My eyes suddenly start finding very interesting patterns on the floor and ceiling.
This is what I want to say :
"Errm, do you think I could keep my job. I know I am an insignificant ant, but I will improve. You know, I really am not as bad as the HR people might think...."
Obviously I cannot say that.
"So how are things going ?"
I mean, innocous as it may sound, how could he reply in a manner which is in any way relevant to me. So thats out.
"Rainy day huh?!"
Might work but sounds lame. I hate discussing the weather. Its information both parties already know, so why dish it out all over again.
So, you get the picture. I need to think of something deep, meaningful and very appropriate to say over my 2 minute journey on the elevator. See today I was stuck with a senior partner, and he asked me a couple of questions and I spewed total crap. Embarassing! Why can't I be a more confident, composed, poised, a male miss-universe-ish version of myself under these situations and get as many brownie anti-firing points as I can?? Bah!