Thursday, August 11, 2005

Double guessing

You know there is no joy to this world like nice juicy speculation concerning another person. Especially, if this speculation JUST holds true under the known facts but has very 'interesting' implications.So, when I decided to come to India for a few weeks at the end of my internship:
People in the US assumed:
  • I am coming to see gf lady (yeah, right)
  • I am coming to get engaged (no, thank you)
  • I am terribly homesick. (not really, but I dont mind going home)
People in India assumed:
  • The stuff assumed by the US people. Since, they don't know my status in the US there were some additional assumptions.
  • I have been kicked out of university. (possible)
  • I am unemployed and scrounging in India for a job.(possible)
But, till now I have been looked upon kindly by the University and immigration authorities. I thank allah and assorted gods for that.


Anonymous said...

So which one of the first three is ight then?:)
Funny after your arranged marriage post thing!!! HEHEHE

Artful Badger said...

Arrgghh...shoo..reading between lines is potentially a dangerous sport.