Saturday, June 16, 2007

Terrible Ditty for Dear Kitty

I know it has been quite long,
And you might think I am gone,
But it is just not true
I will be back to rescue you.

I shall bring you back once again,
Into a world full of double clicks,
You will be bombarded with comments,
And very numerous site hits.

Horrendous verse it is,
But little do I care,
My silly blog of 3 years,
You will not be left threadbare.


Anonymous said...


The world of double clicks
with a bag of silly tricks
just depicts,
the virtual world has it's kicks!
This place wont be a treadbare - FIX!!!

That's even silly-er, but what the heck, who thinks so much ...

Prashanth said...

The entire world's a pain in the neck
Who needs a reality check!
Tell yourself, what the heck,
The virtual world is my play deck.

Artful Badger said...

[jyoti] heh..yeah it was bad ditty
[prashanth] not bad..

i am thinking we shold have a ditty contest where each subsequent para is filled by a different person.