Sunday, August 29, 2004

Le grand plan pour an meilleur personalite. An petit ami? Ha ha. Il est impossible.

1)Dance- Alternatives include swing dancing, salsa dancing, modern dancing. I can take a course on campus or join a club
+ you know why ;). haven't i mentioned that people usually dance in pairs.
- well, i have never danced before you see. unless you count random uncoodinated attempts.
comments- its never too late.
2) Theatre- Introduction to Acting 1. Looks interesting.
+I can act a bit.
3) Speech Communication - Intro. to interpersonal communication
+ looks interesting. INTERPERSONAL communction.
- might be bookish.
Comments- Also public speaking and other allied courses.
4) Leadership course-
+ Might be something like 3 but better.
+ Career benefits
- Might be a little boring.

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