Friday, September 24, 2004

Work,work, work..

The last of couple of weeks have been rough. A continous stream of assigments and deadlines. Unlike in IIT, where most of the studying is done for the exam, here almost every course has some kind of deadline or the other to meet every week- homework, programming etc. etc. I am also doing some work for 'free', uncredited in a different field I am interested in because it wouldnt be nice to work outright on one field when your advisor is paying you to work in another (his field), but then I am thinking of shifting fields.
1. Sunday- Gotta meet Prof A on Monday. Read read.
2. Monday-Meet Prof A. Whew. Relax. What am I going to do about funding next semester? Will I be able to shift cleanly? What if *some paranoid thoughts*???
3. Tuesday-Ohh..I have a homework deadline for Thursday. Start. Hell, I dont know anything about the assignment.*make a half hearted attempt*
4.Wednesday- I have to do the assigment. *do homework* And I have to submit it tomorrow! And a programming assignment is due Friday. *start on programming assignment*
5.Thursday- Good. The homework is out of the way. Complete programming!
6.Friday- Good. The programming is out of the way. *another bunch of deadlines are out* :( :(. But I am going to take today off.
7.Saturday- Shopping. Groceries. Clothes. Bank. Call home. *i need to get started on reading for Prof A*. And I need to show some progress!
8. Goto 1.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Swing/Salsa/Dandiya/Bhangra Dancing

The Case:
Last couple of days been trying my luck at dancing- Swing , Salsa and Bhangra. Needless to say I sucked. Swing- signed up for classes. Salsa- went to the introductory class for free. And Bhangra becuase there was an event by the Indian Students Association. Well, classes are a decent amount of fun - a new experience. They touch you the steps in slow motion, and then they put on a beat and you are supposed to repeat it. The tough part is when they pair you up and you have to dance with a partner. It's pretty stupid if while doing something you suddenly hang in the air because you forgot what you were supposed to do next - sometimes your partner is a reasonably experienced dancer who is in the introductory course simply because she is learning a new dance and she is like 'swish swish swish' :(.

The Verdict:
Understandably, I cannot dance because I havent danced before. But its fun and something I want to learn to do. You live once man! Learn how to dance!

Theme Song:
At first I was afraid.
I was petrified.
I kept thinking I could never live
--snazzy music--
I grew strong.
I learned how to get along.
--more snazzy music--
I will survive.
I know I'll be alive.
I've got all my life to live.
I will survive.
I will survive.
-- strong snazzier end--

Sunday, September 05, 2004

What is GLBT?

Saturday evening. Jigar and I decide to try out swing dancing at the Illini Union Ballroom. The Illini Union is this stylish 1800's building, the centerpiece of the campus. It pretty much looks like a hotel - posh wooden floors, huge laether sofas etc. etc. . Well this a a place for campus gatherings as well.
So we are walking and come across this event with the following sign-
line 1. GLBT Gathering!!
line 2 Boy meets Boy
line 3 Girl meets Girl
line 4 Boy meets Girl
line 5 Come and have fun!! Free food and free music!!
Well to 2 poor gradautes this is like reaching the lost city of Atlantis where unbounded happiness is supposed to abound in plenty.
Line 1- Yeah wateva who cares
Line 2- Hmm..not so exciting..but maybe I can make some friends.
Line 3- Yeah wateva..I am not a girl
Line 4- HMMM..that DOES sound interesting....very interesting.
Line 5- What free food??? and free live music??? This is heaven on earth. Something must be wrong.
Well something WAS wrong.
GLBT= Gay Lesbians Bisexuals and Trisexuals
(I still wanted to go in and eat the free food. But Jigar would have none of it!!)