Friday, May 04, 2007

I think..

I think that life is one process that is constantly reverting to -inf. In the sense, its a random walk where if you were to go down, you are more likely to go further down than go up (think about it, in the end you die, the boundary condition). Its also one you have no control over as there are too many free floating variables. You cannot control your birth, race, ability etc. etc. You cannot control many of the random events that come to affect you. You can only try, and that can only help so much. Its also memoryless. The future has no memory of your past successes. If you dont get through the next stage, you are basically back to where you started. It doesn't care how many stages you had made it past earlier. Interesting. Does anyone have a good model for this?


Anonymous said...

IF you had a model for this, you do understand that it could potentially be used to avoid wars , when looked at as a system, dont you :-D ?

Prashanth said...

That's seriously pessimistic, even for you! I believe that our lives are constantly on the way up, because of our own hard work (who works hard to lose?). Now and then, random factors aid or hinder us. It's not a random walk, more like simulated annealing.

Artful Badger said...

- Oh welll if it was a deterministic model, it would avoid wars for certain. Or, maybe we can prove wars are unavoidable. If it was stochastic model you can avoid wars in expectation.
- Even for me? Ouch! Well, life is on the way up, maybe till near then end and then its all the way down. Simulated annealing. Maybe. But sometimes it just gets stuck on local optima. Che.