Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I came into work on Monday and noticed that my friend why sits a couple of desks in front of me was away. His desk remained empty into the afternoon. That was way too long for a meeting. He couldn't possibly be on vacation. The 2nd week of January! Duh! After all the carnage of the holiday season, you should be insane to take days off now. I wondered for a bit and left it at that. Later on, someone told me he had been fired the previous Wednesday. Apparently, he had been called into a meeting with HR on Wednesday morning. Soon after, he took his jacket and left, never to return. So much for heart rending melodrama.

He was towards the end of trading, and had to find a desk to work in permamently, and no desk wanted to take him. He had done pretty badly in the tests. He was super enthusiastic about whatever he did, but had no idea what he was doing. Its one of those cases where too much energy and enthusiasm actually work against you as you go from one blunder to another. There really wasn't too much of a choice.

Frankly, I don't feel the least bit sympathetic or sorry for him. He had joined the programme that would eventually make him a trader. If you want to make the shit, you better be the shit! Don't expect mama to kiss you on the cheek each time you get into a bit of hot water! He had better been prepared for the reality of the business he had chosen to enter. Also, I am sure he would get a job elsewhere in a week or two. He has a fairly funky looking resume as well, so getting into grad school would be a breeze. And his brother took out the bank with a private equity firm. Its not like the poor guy with a family to support who got thrown out on the road after 20 years worth of blood and sweat.

I should probably speak to him though. Maybe sometime near the weekend.


Artful Badger said...

It is my gentle attempt at injecting humor into life :)

Anonymous said...

dude, getting fired is not pleasant whether your colleague thinks you deserve it or not!..yes, be nice and call him..maybe you can even meet him for coffee and give him a hug ;)

Primalsoup said...

Oh dear!

Artful Badger said...

[alraqs] actually i did meet him for dinner today. we also watched a dvd at his place. he is doing pretty good. sending his resume out etc..
[primalsoup] :) what to do. its not so much fun.