Sunday, December 10, 2006

This and that

The Economist, Dec 2nd - Dec 7th

p18 - Blast from the past - America's nuclear deal with India
p48 - India's Muslims - Don't blame it on the scriptures
p87 - Indian Cinema - Let them come to Bombay

The Economist, Nov 25th - Dec 1st

p 42 Kashmir - The invisible scars
p 64 CSN v Tata - Steel the prize ( This is so good. The East fights back! If this deal works out, 2 out of the top 5 steel companies in the world will be of Indian origin : Mittal Steel, Tata Steel.)
p73 India's Economy - Too hot to handle

India seems to be doing quite well for itself, seeing the amount of press it is getting.

..The successful young director of KANK was asked by a fan at the the Toronto film festival when he expects his career to bring him to Hollywood. " Never! Let them come to Bombay" said he.

In other news, Chicago is bone-freezingly cold.

I might go to India, for about 10 days in early Jan.

We need some kind of bill that prohibits analysts from being driven like slaves. Spending all Sunday trying to get some shit to line up to 2 decimal places isn't fun. Why don't they round prices to the nearest dollar?

Whats up with OJ Simpson writing a book about how he might have killed his wife, if indeed he had had the opportunity to kill his wife, hypothetically, since he so obviously didn't kill his wife. The things people do.

I am almost done with 'An Equal Music' by Vikram Seth. I have been reading it for ages. This is especially embarrasing since it isn't even that long. The book is quite nicely written. Its all about Schubert and Vienna and the Musikvieren and the Trout. There seems to be a kind of melody to the words themselves. To really appreciate some aspects of it, I feel one should have some background in music. Also, I feel I am too pragmatic to truly appreciate the love story, but its very touching at times.


Unknown said...

too pragmatic to appreciate the love story??
my my, who died and made you scrooge?

P said...

I read, 'An Equal Music' and didn't really care for it that much actually...

Anonymous said...

~ India SO is the bomb nowadays...pretty cool actually.
~ 'they' should also pass some unamendable law that prohibits non-profits from multi-tasking their employees to the hilt and hardly compensating...
~ na, I think you're just too desensitized, as some would say ;)...

Anonymous said...

when was india not shining? wasnt he problem always that condition of general people in india was always morose? as in, as indians we hardly get to affect the course of our own country or make true independent decisions, because the structure of democracy is just so ill? that every single junta in india has to fend for themselves and struggle throughout their lives, no matter what their economic or social standing? that as indians we are neither interested nor have any idea of what is indian?

Madhura said...

I completely share your vies about "An Equal Music" except for the last 'too pragmatic' bit!! :)

here after a logn time btw! :)

Prashanth said...

Totally can identify with the too pragmatic part :). I mean, I'm a romantic in some ways, but not that much of a romantic in the context of love stories.

Why is this anon getting enraged? Sure, India's always been shining, but it some time to meet global standards in many things. Now we're there, and the world is taking notice. The Indians-are-so-morose rant makes no sense in the context of this post.

Artful Badger said...

[jayanand] who died and made me scrooge ?! oh luve died man...just like in the movies..
[perspective inc] oh well..different people like different things..i like Suitable Boy much more..
[alraqs] since its a non-profit..the goal is to make sure that no one really profits..if you have issues with that..join a 'profit'..heh..
[anon] i really dont think that is true..yes there are some morons in the country that cause a lot of trouble (good for nothing beaureaucrats and politicians), but i think there are people who are doing good things too..
[madhura] hey! you think i am not all that pragmatic ?! :)
[prashanth] well...he was generalizing a bit too much...

Unknown said...

anon- in which countries do individuals get to do otherwise?

Madhura said...

uuummm its a little of this and that! I believe you may not be a pragmatic as you portray and also, just being pragmatic doesn't eliminate the possibility of understanding 'love'! does that make anys sense!! :)

Artful Badger said...

[madhura] hmm...i think you are right!...not bad that was pretty insightful! :)...